MatterSuite Blog

How to Leverage Technology to Build a Successful Law Firm

The role of a lawyer entails a wide range of responsibilities, among them establishing trust with clients, securing their information, prosecuting cases in court, drafting documents, and much more. 

Lawyers often end up getting stressed, thinking about how they can build their business by managing time simultaneously?

Accelerating growth and defining tasks is not something that lawyers find easy. Understanding the weak ends and making decisions effectively to eliminate those can benefit law firms and professionals in a more accurate way. 

The purpose of this legal blog is to help you understand how and why technology affects your legal business, and how a good website can benefit you in the long run as well as in the short run. 

How does technology affect the success of law firms?

Professionals celebrating success

1. Quick Intake Process

Earlier law firms used to run over applications that were tedious to store and read. New technology advancement has allowed both lawyers to go digital and process the intake from anywhere. Now clients can easily fill intake forms with a click and can submit them to their desired lawyer.

No more paperwork and no more time wastage, with the new online intake process, both lawyers and clients can save their time and can utilize it for something core and important.

2. Separate Client Portal

Running through the whole involving process and making communication highly secure was never easy for lawyers. Workflow automation has become easy with the new cloud-based legal practice management softwares as lawyers are now able to offer a separate portal to their clients so that they can process their invoicing payments as per their requirements. 

Reading invoices, any time of communication, and reviewing work can be done with the help of a single secure client portal.

3. Effective Decision Making

Studying hundreds of cases and meeting deadlines often ends lawyers in taking inaccurate decisions for their legal practice. Time management and complete data are what result in defining the decision-making results of any legal firm. 

Law firm practice management software gives a complete accounting and invoicing reports, which helps top departments to conclude the real modifications needed to fill in the deviations. 

4. Improved Staff Management

It’s not hassle-free to manage big law firms and their staff. Assigning tasks, taking follow-ups, setting reminders, checking deadlines, and many more are some top-notch tasks that need to get streamlined in order to improve the overall workflow of the law firm. 

With the new technology and software adaption, lawyers are able to streamline task management without putting in much human effort. It’s now easier to assign tasks and set individual deadlines and reminders for every staff member.

Office staff working collaboratively

5. Rapid Conflict Check 

No lawyer wants to create confusion and obstacles in a middle of a running case. Having a good streamlined conflict check system is what every attorney and law firm requires. No lawyers want to settle for less and neither do the clients. 

Online legal softwares have this feature with it so that lawyers not only are able to manage their day-to-day tasks and deadlines but also are able to walk through the detailing of both existing and new clients thoroughly without more time wastage.

6. Accurate Invoicing 

Invoicing is one of the most essential elements of every legal professional. Clients pay lawyers based on invoices. Most lawyers are not paid according to their exact billable hours because of a lack of invoicing resources. 

Online legal invoicing softwares has helped both lawyers and clients get and generate effective invoicing reports in seconds. Lawyers all around the globe get benefit from automated invoicing solutions. 

Build your own website and gain considerable traffic

1. Consider a domain name that is appropriate

Have you ever noticed the URL at the top of your Google search results? You’re right, it’s the domain name of that specific page or website. Selecting a suitable domain name is really essential for visitors to search for you and find you from anywhere. Make your domain name simple. Further, try to name it something relevant to your brand name, and at last, cross-check the name in the ongoing market. 

2. Find out who your competitors are

Researching your latest competition can help you develop a wonderful insight regarding how you can make improvements in your current software and how you can step ahead of your competition. Whether it be setting pricing plans or adding new features, competitors can help every firm to achieve more by knowing and executing what’s on the demand list when it comes to your niche. 

3. Plan out your website’s elements

Having a rough idea is not just enough to create an entire website. For a law firm, it’s important to analyze what all elements or pages are required to be added up on the website. Making a list of all and then implementing it one by one can make your website look complete and professional.

4. Start the content

Writing law firm website content is crucial for any legal business, be it any industry type or size. A professional website comprises all the main pages, feature pages, blog page, contact us page, pricing page, and so on. Content distribution and originality of facts and figures is something that your viewers and potential clients look for. Blogging for lawyers can be successful if they remember to make the content precise and understandable for their readers as the viewers run into the cycle of prospects and then your leads to look up to. Website blogs can also be posted and promoted through the help of social media marketing which improves online visibility and website traffic. 

Content creation set up 

5. Create designs that catch the attention of the audience 

Effective designs and layouts play a crucial role in engaging your visitors to the fullest. No customer wants a website without graphics, vectors, videos, and reviews. Creating templates that suit your business can enable you to give an exceptional look at your website for both the users and the new visitors. 

6. Use SEO to your advantage

Using search engine optimization is one of the biggest ways to rank any content organically. For a website to rank, there is an acute need for implementing correct SEO for your content, which can include landing pages, feature pages, blog pages, and so on. Adding the correct keyword density can make your contact rank at the top. SEO for law firms is the easiest way to boost traffic to your content. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Technology is not only about replacing human labor, it’s more of a benefit than a loss. Several law firms are not embracing this change because they fear that artificial intelligence will replace human intelligence. Having streamlined legal software does not just add profit to your business, but also builds trust among other customers to invest in you. It’s not overall impossible to trust and use legal technology. Today, more than half of the law firms and professionals are using this technology to build their business in less time. Managing deadlines, meeting finances, managing accounting and so much more needs a proper base solution to bring effective results to all the day-to-day tasks performed by legal professionals around the globe. 

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