MatterSuite Blog

Law Firm Newsletters: Creative Ideas to Get More Clients

When reading a newsletter, what aspects do you take note of?

Law firm newsletters can be impressive and boring at the same time. Readers always look for precise and valuable content that can give them the exact information they are looking for. Some newsletters not only just induce readers to read it, but also encourage them to save it for later reading purposes.

It’s not the marketing that makes your newsletter rank in the eyes of your viewers; it’s the content and the strategies that make it more engaging and demanding.

Creating an excellent client base requires consistent efforts and techniques to achieve the same. Writing law firm newsletters is one of the most effective sources to make your clients reach you by providing them with core information about some top trends going around the legal industry.

Worrying about engagement and client intake is the same for all industries and law firms. Whether it be a solo practitioner or a big law firm, every scale of business is looking for smarter solutions to streamline their legal practice in a cost-friendly approach.

The purpose of this law firm blog is to walk you through all the crucial points to remember when writing effective law firm newsletters, as well as why newsletters are your best option for success. Moreover, it will provide you with some examples of newsletters, as well as top-notch strategies for delivering an effective newsletter.

Law firm newsletters: what are they?

A newsletter is a form of electronic report which contains one topic for discussion. Typically, newsletters topics relate to ongoing news or activities related to the business. It is one of the most effective mediums to gain high customer attention through content delivery. 

But many law firms still question the need to write their newsletters. 

Driving traffic, building client trust, maintaining an online presence and many more can be one of the most profit-changing reasons that can encourage more productivity within months. 

1. Cost cut with high-end results

2. Creates a worthy online presence

3. Make your market wider

4. Gives more scope for client intake

Initially, newsletters can be challenging, but they can be incorporated into your weekly schedule and become seamless within no time at all. Newsletters can be of many types depending upon what your clients are willing to read. Newsletters can include some top FAQs, case studies, educational content, video content, and many more. 

In what ways can newsletters benefit my law firm?

Newsletters can be beneficial for majorly all legal businesses. Even a solo practitioner can benefit a lot by just writing consistent newsletters. 

1. Gain Traffic

It is not true that all those who view your content will like it, and not all those who like your content will share it. Gaining target client engagement is not a hassle-free task for all law firms. The legal industry faces struggles in developing traffic in their content, website, legal blogs, and even newsletters. It’s not overall simple to create, write and post a newsletter.

Law firm content marketing and methods equally play an important role in delivering success out of the posted newsletter. Some of the best ways to gain target traffic from our newsletters include adding infographics, videos, case studies, FAQs, and quotes. 

ent and traffic check on newsletter post


2. Boosts Sales

What results in huge intakes is not the marketing cost, but the approach to reach your target customer. Initializing quick sales is one of the most struggling areas of work. Many law firms are stuck with huge workloads because they cannot covert their leads into their client. Social media marketing is one of the top trending strategies to drive more sales effortlessly. 

More lawyers and law firms are aiming for social media marketing to bring new clients. Newsletter posting not only allows new clients to know about you but also helps in converting those people into your new clients. 

3. Online Reputation

Law firm growth is not because of its exceptional services, it’s more about what is your value in the competitive market. The legal market is drastically changing, more small law firms are competing with big law firms because of the right decisions they took. Lawyer newsletters are not just posted, they get into the email inbox of those who have subscribed to your newsletter. 

It gives a professional edge as clients can read it according to their time availability directly from the mail. No additional effort gets wasted in sending newsletters separately to every client. 

Post showing the number of subscribers

4. Cost-friendly 

Newsletters are one of the most affordable techniques to boost sales and produce high-end results from the same. Framing content is one of the potent ways to attract clients and customers globally. With the financial condition of the economy, the need to find cost-friendly marketing solutions is one of the most needed steps to be taken in the legal industry.

Legal newsletters ‌bring new topics online and so it becomes a great way to have client intake increase through a less investment strategy. Compared with other advertising cost, newsletters are fairly a good choice to cut cost and have enormous positive output from the same. 

5. Builds Trust

What makes your readers trust your content and brand? It can include many reasons that can encourage your customers to keep reading your content, but what stands at the topmost is the consistency that you offer in your content posting. For example, if you post your newsletters on a weekly basis, then you should try not to skip a week without posting a legal newsletter, as it can create negative reviews in the minds of your customers. 

Your viewers are your future customers and satisfying them is your major target. Whether it be a blog or a newsletter, consistency is the key to achieving notable success in both the short and long run. 

Post showing the weekly posting of newsletters

Check out these examples of newsletters to gain a better understanding:

Various types of email marketing software. What are they?

Email marketing softwares is a powerful source that helps you build your business by engaging people by providing different updates and information from a click. 

Utilizing email marketing is really helpful for legal professionals to connect with their clients and market their brands simultaneously. It can provide enormous benefits, which can include:

1. Professional-looking templates can be drafted for your clients through email and can be sent according to the requirements. 

2. It gives you an organized medium to send the right client the correct information. From time to time, updates can be sent to large audiences with just a click. 

3. An easy performance check is made possible by email marketing. 

Email marketing softwares are what many law firms find hectic to find, but today there is much top-notch software available to meet email marketing needs.

1. AWeber

It is one of the top-notch software used by small businesses. The AWeber solution helps in automating email followups and timely delivery of different newsletters. It helps to hit targets on time with no delay. 

Alt text - AWeber website view

2. Mailchimp

Mailchimp is one of the top American email marketing solutions used to streamline email marketing. This software is used highly to manage email lists and complete email marketing campaigns. 

mailchimp website view

3. Constant Contact

Constant Contact is one of the most affordable and user-friendly software developed to help users in automating email campaigns, develop email templates and streamline customer relations. 

Constant contract website view

4. Mailercloud

As a lawyer, if you are looking for advanced email marketing software, then Mailercloud can be the best choice for you. Build your own catchy templates, ensure email security, and hassle-free use HTML codes to create templates from anywhere, anytime. 

website view of mailercloud

What are some prime strategies to create effective newsletters?

It’s hard to find the perfect strategies to go along with the newsletter process. The below points are some top ways that can make your newsletter more attractive and engaging in front of your readers. 

1. Search, Analyze, and Post

How do you find the right topic for your newsletter? 

Managing topics with the hit and trial method can be dangerous and risk-taking. Legal business comes with professionalism and with the same approach, the topic selection should be made. It can be a situation where your content is highly valuable, but the topic is not what your readers are looking for or the topic is very outdated as compared to the ongoing news and trend. 

Time is precious and writing content can be tedious when started new. So topic selection is one of the most important aspects to be considered when beginning with newsletters. Search, analyze, watch your competitors and decide what can be your topic to gain your customer’s attention globally. 

Google screen makes the search easy

2. Make it Look Simple and Crisp

Would you like to find out why precise content gets more engagement than bulky content?

Different content needs different word lengths. For example, if it’s a website blog then surely you will include all the details regarding its explanation. But what about a newsletter? Legal newsletters are made out of the news and trending topics. Exaggerating a newsletter can be more consuming and less engaging in front of your audience. 

If for example, you are creating an FAQ list of your topic. Writing long answers can make the readers feel bored and stressed at the same time. On the other hand, just explaining the core part of the topic can encourage your customers to not only read but to feel satisfied after viewing the whole newsletter. 

3. Never Miss on Adding Stats

What role does numerical data play in your content?

Missing on some points just because of the lack of awareness about its benefits is really common among all the businesses. Statistical data is really valuable and engaging when we talk about newsletters’ content. Finding sources like reports, news, etc can be really helpful to find correct and updated numeric data for your content. 

Including new updates in the form of a percentage of the data can make your readers remember and understand the topic really well even without reading much of the theoretical part. Small inclusions can create big outcomes in less time. Newsletters can be really helpful if the time to time additions are being made to them. 

4. Give Value Through Infographics

Adding images to a newsletter is a good idea, but why? 

It’s really simple to interpret the importance of infographics and videos in content. Given two content samples to you, which one will you prefer – the one with only content or the one with content, infographics, and videos. Your answer will surely be the one with good content with valuable image inclusions. 

But why do customers prefer images? It’s clear that visuals are easier to remember and grasp when compared to written information. People forget content but not images because the power of images is quite high to the theoretical content. Including images and videos can make your content look complete and more readable. Build your brand in less time organically. 

5. Before Posting, Proofread

Are there any improvements you can make to your content by proofreading?

It can be really normal to ask this question as a lawyer. Contempt proofreading is highly needed in all types of content, whether it is a newsletter or a blog, or an article. Writing content and reading it are totally different steps to be executed before directly posting it. 

Corrections like grammatical mistakes, line spacing, font style, font size, and so on are some improvements that can need edits once you proofread the whole content. Effective law firm newsletter creates global reach and its content should be unique as well as correct in all aspects. Proofreading is one of the most essential parts which should never get missed from your schedule. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Boosting your intake and bringing in new clients sometimes creates a financial dis-balance in the law firm.  Having a consistent grip on newsletters can turn out to be a money saver for all law firms and lawyers. Writing newsletters and delivering them to your clients through emails can be one of the finest ways to gain their attention and support. The above strategies and benefits can make you aware of the long-term benefits that a newsletter provides to your legal business. Build your brand and scale it with the help of alternative approaches and techniques. Achieving clients’ trust and building a brand requires smart approaches, and one of them can deliver high-quality newsletters to your target audience. Consider newer options to run your law practice even more seamlessly than it was before. For the start, it may seem like a challenge, but the end results are worth enough for the investment.

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