Our e-signature solution for legal teams is secure, reliable, and compliant. Share, view, or download signed documents easily.
Start your 14 day free trial. Full access. No credit card required to sign up.
Our digital signature software allows you to send your document to signers via email so users can sign it within seconds.
Add multiple contacts to your document to collect signatures from multiple contacts at once.
Get all necessary details like the email address, IP, and session ID of the signer to verify the identity.
eSignature software for legal departments provides accurate time stamps of document signatures.
MatterSuite digital signature software solution allows you to store all your signed documents in one place.
MatterSuite’s software for electronic signatures helps you stay on top of your document signature status.
With our electronic signature software, all your documents, signatures, and sensitive client data remain secure without any data breaches.
Our e-signature for legal operations provides a detailed audit trail record of every action to keep legal teams and law firms updated.
Upload documents in PDF format within the system and move to build your electronic signature.
With our digital signature solution, send the document to another party for collecting E-Sign via email.
Stay on track for legal sign updates and get notified through email once the document has been signed.
Legal teams can review the signed document and send it for ratification if needed, or they can simply download it.
I have been using MatterSuite for a while and I’m really impressed by how the product E-Sign has evolved. This new E-Sign feature eliminated the need to use any outside software
Legal Counsel
MatterSuite has made signature collection so much easier for us. We don't have someone to carry files to get it signed by the person. It was such a waste of time and resources for our law firm. I’m really happy that I ended up choosing this software out of many available in the industry
Director of Legal Operations
I can send documents to the responsible person and get it signed in minutes now. This is something my law firm actually needed
Senior Associate
Start your 14 day free trial. Full access. No credit card required to sign up.