Corporate Legal Department

Address Complexities

With MatterSuite Corporate Legal Solutions

MatterSuite's corporate legal department software helps in overcoming common challenges and provides a robust tech suite, including tools like AI, task management, matter management, spend tracking, contract generation and so on.

Start your 14 day free trial. Full access. No credit card required to sign up.


Common Industry Challenges Faced by Corporate Legal Department

Deadline Management

Managing multiple deadlines related to matters, compliance, contracts, litigation without a system in place can cause delays and errors. Missing deadlines can lead to penalties or reputation damage.

Inefficient Collaboration

Without a unified platform, corporate legal teams can experience communication gaps and hindrance in team collaboration across different departments. It can get difficult to manage in-house and outside counsel partners' communications.

Manual Contract Management

Most of the teams rely on the manual process of contract lifecycle management. But it can make the corporate legal management process of drafting, negotiating, review, approval prone to inefficiencies and errors.

Data and Document Management

Corporate legal departments handle large amounts of documents and data. But with fragmented data and document management, the risk of data breach increases. Not just that, it also wastes valuable time that goes into unnecessary management and search.

Managing Workloads and Resources

Corporate legal teams can feel overwhelmed with workload and improper resource allocation. This can lead to inefficiencies, burnout, and improper resource management.

Lack of Analytics and Reporting

In-house legal departments need accurate data for decision making and strategising, but without real-time insights, it gets difficult. Not having updated data and insights can impact the final decision making.

How MatterSuite Helps Corporate Legal Department in Overcoming These Challenges

Cross Department Collaboration

MatterSuite helps legal in-house corporate counsel in collaborating seamlessly with all departments.

Automated Deadline Tracking

MatterSuite is one platform corporate law departments can rely on for keeping track of daily operations.

Secure Data & Document Management

Corporate law departments handle numerous data and documents that need to be secured.

AI-Contract Management

With MatterSuite, legal department software can leverage AI for contracts and automate the contract management lifecycle.

Task & Workflow Automation

Create tasks for all corporate legal operations and automate workflow for all matters.

Real-Time Analytics and Reporting

MatterSuite corporate legal management software allows the team to stay updated with all insights and data.

All Legal Operations Covered in One Suite


Manage bills, generate invoices, record time entries, and handle the billing


Manage every aspect of the case management and litigation process with

MS Ask

Research, connect, and generate contracts all with the power of MatterSuite. Automate and innovate with MS Ask AI.

MatterSuite Advance Solutions for Corporate Legal Department

E-Discovery and Litigation

Using our corporate legal operations technology, corporate departments can manage a complete litigation lifecycle. From eDiscovery, the cause of action to motion. Create workflow, contracts, tasks, or events for the litigation process.

AI-Powered Legal Research

MatterSuite offers an AI solution for a legal department that can save time and resources. Conduct legal research, generate NDAs and run conflict checks. Additionally, the team can do an internal search with AI.

E-Billing and Expense Management

MatterSuite can manage the legal department’s billing and expense tracking. Record billable hours, generate entries, keep track of in-house and vendor expenses. Download reports of bills and expenses accurately. 

Matter Management

With our modern legal department software, make your matter management process seamless. Create matters, track insights, collaborate with teams and generate configurable reports for matters.

Spend Management

Keep track of legal spend for in-house and external counsel. Generate reports of department spending, keep track of vendor expenses, maintain all invoice receivables at one place. Set spend budget for matters and legal operations.

Conflict Check

corporate legal department software

A Support System for Corporate Legal Department

Start your 14 day free trial. Full access. No credit card required to sign up.